Just Cuts Christmas promotion
We’ve got an exciting Christmas promotion coming up that and we are very excited to share with you!
Just Cuts is giving away a FREE toiletries bag!
All you have to do is visit a Just Cuts salon and simply purchase a JUSTICE Professional Christmas Gift Pack and you’ll walk away with a FREE toiletries bag valued at $15.95!
The promotion starts at 9.00am on Monday 23 October and ends Sunday 25 December 2017 or until stocks last.
Please come see us at Marketplace Gungahlin, Shop 25 in the Big W Mall or call us at 02 6241 6261 for more information.
Some ways to get a good haircut all the time
Bring a picture – and let it go
It certainly helps to take along a picture of a haircut you want to copy – hairdressers love visual references. However, be realistic about your inspiration and understand that the style may not entirely suit your hair type or face shape. Ideally you and your stylist should discuss the clipping and decide how to recreate a similar look that suits your individual needs.
Professional opinion
You hairdresser may also have a few ideas on what cut will work best for you – and it’s definitely worth listening since they’re the professional! Just don’t completely surrender to their suggestions, particularly if you’ve come in with a firm style in mind. Consult together on the cut and proceed only once you both have a clear direction in mind.
Honesty policy
When your hairdresser starts asking questions about how often you wash, blow dry or treat your hair – don’t lie! It isn’t a test to see how well you look after it. Being honest about your hair maintenance routine helps your hairdresser create a style that fits with your lifestyle. There’s no point getting a high maintenance haircut if you’re only willing to spend a few minutes styling your hair.
Be specific
Don’t want your hair to be cut beyond a certain length? Hate your hair being parted in a certain direction. Speak up! You hairdresser isn’t a mind reader. You should also chime in during the cut if you feel uncomfortable – it’s easier to make adjustments as you go rather than at the end.
Stay put
Sitting in the salon chair should be an exercise in posture and poise. Poring over a magazine or your phone (or worse, talking on the phone) makes the hairdresser’s job tricky. Sit with your head straight, keep your legs uncrossed and your eyes forward. No one likes a crooked cut!
Let it settle
Dramatic haircuts can take some getting used to so give your new style a few days to settle in. Wash it a few times and style it a few different ways to find your groove. If you’re still unhappy after a week it’s time to call up your stylist to have “The Talk”…