Steer clear of the Winter blues
on 14 June 2015 in General News
Wondering how to survive the cold and flu season? Visit your local Soul Pattinson Chemist, Gungahlin. The family owned discount pharmacy is your one-stop health shop – stock up on vitamins, supplements and moisturiser. And if the dreaded cold or flu does strike, Soul Pattinson have a wide range of treatments to help.
Steer clear of the Winter blues with these health-boosting tips:
- Wash your hands – a lot.
- Stay hydrated – try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you don’t like the taste, add a slice of lemon or sip your water hot with a bit of honey, or add honey and lemon to tea.
- Get some shut eye – make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep every night.
- Stay active – joining a gym is a good way to avoid the cold weather and shorter days of winter – Fernwood Gym has a great range of equipment and classes.
- To help strengthen your immune system, you can try supplements such as Echinacea and garlic tablets from Soul Pattinson Chemist.
- Eat nutrient-rich food – don’t skimp on the vegies! Soup is the perfect food for Winter as its both warming and hydrating. Grab a bowl of Pho from Simply Pho, or try this hearty Chicken and Corn Noodle Soup.