Where To Start With Your New Year Goals
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Where To Start With Your New Year Goals

Where To Start With Your New Year Goals

on 14 December 2021 in General News

As yet another year closes (is it just us or has the past couple of years just flown by?!) we look forward to a new year and a new start.

The New Year is always a great time to set intentions, goals and resolutions. Hence the popular term – “New Year’s resolution”.

Whether your New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier, be more active or to make more time for yourself, Marketplace Gungahlin has everything you need to get started.

Get active

One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to exercise more. Being active is a great way to lose weight and stay healthy.

If you’re wanting to sign up for a gym membership this New Year, then make sure you visit Fernwood Fitness. This all-women’s gym offers a range of fitness classes as well as one-on-one personal training sessions to help you achieve your fitness goals.

If a gym membership isn’t for you, you can find plenty of gym equipment within the shopping complex to complement your at-home gym or workout. From fitness trackers to water bottles, start the year off as a new, fitter and healthier you!

Eat healthy

The New Year is like hitting the refresh button on all your old habits! 

If you want to develop healthier habits come 2022, then the best place to start is by eating healthier. Simply adding more fresh fruit and vegetables to your meals is guaranteed to get you well on your way toward your health goals. 

Luckily, the ‘Fresh Food People’ at Woolworths carry a huge range of fresh Australian produce as well as healthy meal/snack options, organic foods and vegan alternatives for people of all dietary needs.

Take advantage of their Fresh Ideas magazine (available for free in-store!) and get inspired by mouth-watering healthy recipes and meal ideas to feed the whole family.

Save money

If one of your New Year’s goals is to save more money, then the best way to start is by meeting with a financial advisor. 

No matter how big or small (or nonexistent!) your current savings is, a financial consultant can help you to effectively budget as well as review your financial goals so that you’re equipped with the right steps to achieve them.

Consulting services from any of these banks or accounting businesses, including Ibex Tax Consultants, can give you the right financial advice to help you save more money as well as offer advice to help make your tax work for you.

Get organised

Want to get more organised in the New Year? Try setting aside 10 minutes a day to archive and delete old emails and file away all of last year’s work and documents in a single online file or physical folder.

Now is the time to get rid of all your home and office clutter and refill your stationery supplies so you’re ready to keep up with all the events, activities and meetings in the new calendar year.

Nextra Newsagency can help you clear the clutter and get organised with their range of storage solutions, stationery and office supplies! Take advantage of their on-site faxing service and keep up-to-date with their range of daily and weekly publications including magazines and newspapers. 

Home improvements

With the extra time over the holidays, you can get a headstart on your home improvement goals this New Year!

Need to redecorate your room/living space or make improvements in the garden? Then stop by Homebase next time you’re visiting Marketplace Gungahlin!

You will find a range of home decor items including homewares, craft materials, gardening supplies and kitchenware to give your home a glow-up in 2022!

Spend more time with the kids

Spending more time with your family is a noble goal. Aside from the love you get from quality time with the kids, spending more time together can help increase your happiness and well-being. 

If you’re stuck for ideas on fun things to do with the kids, then sign up to join the Kids Club! You’ll receive regular invites to our free family events and be the first to know about our school holiday entertainment and competitions! 

In the past, we’ve had everything from cookie decorating workshops to concerts – keeping both you and the kids entertained all day!

Read more

With our busy lives, it’s easy to keep neglecting that book that has been collecting dust on the bedside table. 

But this New Year is the time to get back into reading and to set aside more time to enjoy a good book!

With smartphone addiction a reality, turning to a book instead of your phone is not only better for your brain, but a far more productive thing to do with your time.

BOOK FACE has the biggest range of new books of all genres to keep you engaged and learning in 2022. Browse in-store and find a title or topic that will feed your brain and give you plenty to talk about in the New Year. 

Travel more

Almost every one of us is itching to get away and travel more in the New Year! 

If you have been bitten by the travel bug and want to make your dream escape reality, then get specific! Where do you want to go? Who do you want to travel with? How long do you want to go away for? Will it be by car or plane or boat? How much will it cost?

Once you’ve penned down your travel goals and are specific about where it is you’ll be jet setting off to in 2022, then let Flight Centre and Travel Associates build you a perfect holiday itinerary that includes flights, holiday packages, tours and accommodation options for all budgets!

Get a new job

If it’s your New Year’s goal to get a new job, then some things you can do right now to help you get started include:

  • Polishing your resume/CV
  • Practising your interview skills
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
  • Figuring out what job/industry you’d like to work in
  • Look at upskilling or undergoing training/study to help improve your chances of scoring a job

This can all be overwhelming for one person to do alone. That’s why there are employment services providers such as MatchWorks there to help you! From finding the right job to helping you build a resume and nail that interview, the team at MatchWorks are your allies in getting a new job in the New Year.

Make time for yourself

Are you in need of a well-deserved break from everything?! If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends this past year, then making time for yourself in the New Year should be at the top of your resolutions.

Whether your goal is stress reduction or to simply get some more ‘me time’ in between work and the kids, you can find the zen you’re looking for at both Miracle Therapy and Gungahlin Massage Centre.

Shut the door on the world and sink into the peace of a relaxation massage or Chinese acupressure to reclaim both your body and mind this New Year.

Tips to follow through on your goals

It’s easy to lose sight of your New Year’s goals. Don’t beat yourself up if you do revert back to old habits. Some strategies to help you stick to your New Year’s resolution, include:

  • Being specific: If your goal is to “lose weight”, try to turn this into a more specific and achievable goal by aiming to “lose 3 kgs in a month” or “lose an inch around my tummy by X date/event”.
  • Be realistic: If your goal is to eat healthier, don’t vow to never eat your favourite treat again! You can still be healthy even with the occasional treat! Instead, aim for a goal that is more realistic such as “eat three servings of vegetables a day” or “have a piece of fruit with breakfast each morning”.
  • Be accountable: You may wish to tell a trusted person about your goal and have them help hold you accountable. You can also use an accountability app or simply pencil in your goal in your daily planner and treat it as an important business meeting that you can’t miss or skip!

Have fun with your New Year’s goals and don’t obsess over the occasional slip-up that is bound to happen at some point in your journey (we’re all human after all!). Track your progress and reward yourself whenever you do meet and keep your goal. You’ve got this!

A new you in the year 2022

Come to Marketplace Gungahlin to get started on your new year resolution today.