Bakers Delight: Breakfast Sourdough
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Bakers Delight: Breakfast Sourdough

Bakers Delight: Breakfast Sourdough

on 06 April 2021 in Home & Lifestyle
Recipe originally published by Bakers Delight
Serves: 4-6 | Difficulty: Easy


1 Bakers Delight Sourdough Vienna
4 slices smoked salmon
Handful spinach
4 eggs
2tbs goat cheese, crumbed

To Serve

Your choice of chutney or relish


  1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C

  2. Place Sourdough Vienna onto baking tray. Using a knife, score 4 small circles into the loaf and remove dough to create little wells

  3. Line each well with salmon and fill with spinach, eggs and goat cheese. Cover with foil and bake for 25-30 minutes or until egg is cooked through

  4. Slice thickly and serve warm or cold with chutney or relish

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