10 Secrets to Creating a Fitness Plan You'll Stick To
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10 Secrets to Creating a Fitness Plan You'll Stick To

10 Secrets to Creating a Fitness Plan You'll Stick To

on 29 January 2018 in General News

Fitness plans are sometimes like budgets: we tend to make them and forget about them. If you’re serious about reaching your health and fitness goals however, you’ll want to outline a plan and support it with positive behaviours. Follow these strategies for creating a fitness plan for the long term.
1. Schedule your workouts ahead of time
The key to following your workout plan is to schedule your activities. Use a spreadsheet, a wall calendar, a notebook, or an app to track your schedule and make time for your workouts. Lack of time and not being able to find time in a busy lifestyle is sometimes the excuse we make for not working out. However, if you schedule your week or month in advance, you’ll make time and affirm to yourself you’re serious about fitting in a gym session during lunch and a run before breakfast.
2. Find out what you love to do and do it

If you don’t like what you’re doing, you’re less likely to stick with it. Think about what you love doing for workouts, whether it’s a solo run, a group exercise session, or challenging yourself with weight training. Also consider what you can do to make workouts more fun, whether it’s going outdoors, listening to music as you work out, or finding more partners to exercise with.
3. Add variety
Be prepared to change things up if you feel yourself getting bored with your training schedule. Instead of working out at the gym, you can go for a beachside run or do some laps in the pool. Once a week, swap your daily run for a group basketball game. Stay flexible and don’t be afraid to switch things around to keep yourself challenged and interested. Changing your workouts can keep your body challenged as well. If you like taking classes, reputable gyms like Fernwood Fitness offer a variety of fitness classes that will pique your interest.
4. Commit yourself to classes
If you take classes – whether it’s a weekly Muay Thai session or a circuit training class – signing up can be a powerful motivator to turn up and stay active. By signing up and paying for the class ahead of time, you’ll commit to the regular workout mentally and be more likely to stick to your workout schedule.
5. Partner with a workout friend
For some people, making it social can help them stay committed. Find one or more partners with similar interests to set fitness goals with. You’ll have someone to chat with as you work out, and adding a dose of competition can keep you motivated and challenged.
6. Make a playlist you love
Music can be a powerful part of your workouts, and the right type of music can boost your mood and mindset. Thinking about the type of music that gets you active and ready to move. Some people are motivated by heavy metal while others enjoy light electronica or even classical music as they go for a workout. Find what works for you, and make a few different playlists so you always have something new to listen to.
7. Dress for success
Get motivated with the right workout gear. Make sure you have the right type of sneakers for your workouts, whether it’s running or weight training. Choose activewear that supports comfort and pick bright, bold colours if these boost your mood. Consider your workout gear an investment for good health.
8. Charge the battery
Support your workout sessions by getting good quality sleep and eating right. Plan your meals ahead of time to make sure you’re meeting your nutritional goals and daily recommended intake of nutrients. Wind down earlier than usual so you’re relaxed and ready to fall asleep by your regular bedtime.
While eating a balanced diet is crucial, pre-workout and post-workout supplements, for example in the form of protein smoothies, can support better performance and recovery, which in turn can motivate you to keep to your workout schedule. Prodigy Performance Nutrition and Elite Supplements are reputable local retailers where you can find a range of protein and workout supplements for your workouts.
9. Track and monitor your progress
Get interested in your progress by tracking and reviewing how you’re going. Use a fitness app or an old-fashioned journal to record what you’ve achieved. Over time, you can look back on your progress and reflect on how far you’ve come. This will motivate you to keep going and stay committed to your fitness goals for the long haul.
10. Reward yourself at milestones
Don’t forget to reward yourself when you reach major milestones. Whether it’s hitting the five-kilometres-run mark or a benchpress goal, celebrate by treating yourself. Go for a dinner, buy yourself a new workout outfit, or celebrate with a full-body massage. Recognising your wins helps you stay motivated and focused.
Creating a workout plan is vital if you want to achieve specific fitness goals, but following it and supporting it with positive behaviours is equally important. By finding out what you like to do, eating well, and nourishing your body with the right supplements, you can improve your chances of sticking with your fitness plan for the long run.

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